About the experience
Y is a conference where you learn to make better products and services — for people and for the planet.
Y is a two day long conference, usually held at Youngstorget in the middle of Oslo, but this year we're going digital. We’ll cover topics within customer experience, design, innovation, and technology.
Why do we design stuff that just doesn't work? Why do we think that just because something is digital it's better for our planet? Truth is; we make a lot of bad services and our digital waste is having a negative impact on the environment. Y will give you the tools and a nudge in the right direction.
Our goal is to gather everyone involved in making products and services that want to take better care of their users and last, but not least: our planet. Together we’ll solve problems and shape a future that puts the planet- and people-friendly at the top of our business goals.
We welcome you to rewatch the day 2 of the conferance again. Day 1 will be up and running as soon as possible.
Last year we put up a tent for more than 700 people at Youngstorget, Oslo's main public square. This year, due to Covid-19, we are going digital and making a hybrid conference with elements of TV and event production and it is 100% live on the streaming platform Vier.live
There will be both international and Norwegian speakers at our conference. All international talks will be marked with EN. Se full program at y-oslo.com
Did you miss out on our live stream? No worries - this digital stream will be up and running throughout the year of 2020.
You only want to stream some of the speakers? Not a problem - Follow up with our program and catch the talk YOU want to see!
00.00.00 - Y 2020 KICK OFF - Day 1 - Matt Smith
00.07.20 - Slik blir dere kunde- og klodeorientert - Beth Stensen
00.19.10 - World wide waste (EN) - Gerry McGovern
01.09.45 - Slutt å lage tjenester for Ola Nordmann - Daniel Jacobsen Hasan
01.34.34 - Circular redesign (EN) - Leyla Acaroglu
02.22.46 - LUNCH with rådet
03.04.55 - Politiet på TikTok, kleint eller nyttig? - Nattpatruljen Vest
03.27.40 - Tjenestedesign ga fornøyde busspassasjerer - Trond Dagsland
03.58.20 - Nudging, et dytt i riktig retning? - Irmelin Bergh
04.22.16 - BREAK with rådet
04.27.50 - Skikk og bruk for videomøter - Netlife
05.10.33 - Escaping the build trap (EN) - Melissa Perri
05.46.00 - VIER.LIVE - Haakon Mathisen og Gard Mortensen
05.57.20 - THE END - DAY 1 - Matt Smith
06.06.00 - Y 2020 KICK OFF - DAY 2 - Matt Smith
06.08.20 - AMOI.NO - Jimmy Rhodin
06.27.50 - The Future og Growth (EN) - Anssi Rantanen
07.02.30 - Dilemmaet om “The Social Dilemma” - Ida Aalen
07.22.40 - BREAK with Rådet
07.30.30 - Hvis Stalin var en IT-arkitekt - Christin Gorman
07.54.25 - Making software that puts people first - Jonas Downey
08.23.40 - LUNCH with Rådet
08.59.35 - Hvordan skape sin egen strømmetjeneste - Silje Sigurdsen
09.29.00 - Havfolket som endret kurs - om å navigere i sterk storm! - Christine Spiten
09.45.20 - BREAK with Rådet
10.10.27 - Norges grønneste nettside
10.16.28 - Det er ikke kundene, det er deg - Eivind Lund
10.48.49 - The lazy innovator (EN) - Jake Knapp
11.42.00 THE END WITH - Matt Smith & Rådet
Bought ticket through Y-Oslo.com follow these steps:
- Go to https://vier.live/signup
- Create an account with your email address and choose a password
- Go to https://vier.live/voucher
- Copy paste your voucher code
- Congratulations, you are in! Enjoy the Y conference
Want to join the Y conference? - follow these steps:
- Go to https://vier.live/act/y-oslo
- “Buy access to the stream”
- Congratulations, you are in! Enjoy the Y conference
Who’s behind this craziness you ask? Netlife.com that is us!