Welcome to Pom Poko's absurd talk (release) show!

About the experience

Welcome to Pom Poko’s ‘Cheater’ release talk show!

“A kind of talk show where Conan O’Brien/Letterman/Oprah/Dr. Phil meets The Muppet Show, that’s the best way I can describe it”. This is how Ragnhild F. Jamtveit (singer) describes what Pom Poko have concocted, in close collaboration with director Marin Håskjold, to be some kind of replacement for all of the cancelled release shows around Europe this January.

In short

Within Pom Poko’s immersive and colourful domain you will here experience/behold a preposterous talk show where the band themselves

are the guests, including unique live performances of music from the forthcoming ‘Cheater’ album, which is released on the 15th of January.

You will also encounter some characters/regular punters you might recognise from the world of Pom Poko if you partook in/attended the

fabled Rockefeller concert or on the Øyafestivalen in 2019.


Giving away any more details would almost be revealing too much, but imagining that this creative bunch of individuals, who are regularly

pointed out as one of Norway’s (or Europe’s for that matter) best live bands, are capable of putting together something extraordinary and

utterly different shouldn’t be very hard.


Behind the project:

Director and producer: Marin Håskjold
Sound engineer: Sondre Christoffersen
Video: Tora Johanne Turøy, Jostein Venås and David Krøyer
Sound: David Krøyer
Post production: David Krøyer and Tora Johanne Turøy
Lucile and costumes: Herman Breda Enkerud
Hand puppets: Olav F. Jamtveit
Music mixing: Martin M.A. Tonne
Graphics: Erlend Peder Kvam



How long will this show last?

The show lasts for about 30 minutes and the revenue will in its entirety fund the completion of the stream.

How long will the show be availible after ended stream? 

The show will be availible until 27th of January, 2021




Bienvenidos a este absurdo show de lanzamiento de Pom Poko!

«Lo más facil seria describirlo como una combinacion del David Letterman Show y los Muppets». Así describe la cantante Ragnhild F. Jamtveit lo que Pom Poko han preparado para sustituir un puñado de conciertos que iban a tener lugar a través de Europa en enero para celebrar su último album «Cheater».


En resumen

Sumergidos en el mundo creativo y lleno de color de Pom Poko podemos vivir un programa de entrevista semiabsurdo donde el grupo

mismo son invitados, tanto un expectaculo musical en vivo con musica de su nuevo album, de saldrá el 15. de enero 2021. Si los has visto en

vivo alguna vez quizas podrás reconocer personajes del universo de Pom Poko durante el show.


Describirlo más detalladamente sin quitar el elemento de sorpresa sería imposible, pero no es dificil imaginarse que esta pandilla creativa, que a menudo son describidos como el mejor espectaculo en vivo de Noruega (o Europa), podrán montar algo extraordinario y diferente.

La duración del show será aproximadamente 30 minutos y los ingresos irán directamente a finaciar la ejecución de este stream.



Pom Poko: Ragnhild F. Jamtveit, Ola Djupvik, Jonas Krøvel, Martin M. A.Tonne

Grabación de sonido (concierto): Sondre Christoffersen

Mezcla de sonido (concierto): Martin M. A. Tonne

Directora: Marin Håskjold

Lucile and costumes: Herman Breda Enkerud

Hand puppets: Olav F. Jamtveit

Location: Parkteatret, Oslo